An Advocate for Survivors and Their Families

As part of one of New York’s most respected personal injury firms, Eddie worked extensively with Special Master Ken Feinberg on the original September 11 Victims Compensation Fund (VCF) of 2001. Ultimately, he helped survivors recover just under $300 million dollars.

Special Master Feinberg said of Ed: “I knew of few lawyers I worked with in my administration of the VCF that are more capable or qualified than Ed.”

 Eddie Marcowitz’s experience in representing those affected by the World Trade Center attacks is unique and virtually unparalleled. Soon after the attacks, he spearheaded one of the largest pro bono efforts in history on behalf of New York City firefighters and their families. That mission continues today as Eddie and his team continue to fight for the compensation his clients deserve.

For Clients Exposed to the Toxic Dust from the WTC Site, the Fight Continues

After the original VCF closed, Eddie represented a select few clients in the Federal World Trade Center litigation where, after appealing an award, he was successful in obtaining more than $1.9 million for the widow and family of a New York City sanitation worker who passed away due to his 9/11-related illness. This was one of the highest awards issued in that litigation.

During this same time period, Eddie was also successful in another WTC pro bono effort. He was able to overturn several FDNY Pension Board decisions that denied disability pensions to members of New York’s Bravest who had suffered debilitating lung injuries as a result of their heroic efforts at Ground Zero. These victories were unprecedented and were consequently chronicled in the New York Daily News, The New York Law Journal and The Chief-Leader.



Eddie’s experience in representing those affected by the WTC attacks is incredibly unique and virtually unparalleled. He spearheaded one of the largest Pro Bono efforts in history on behalf of New York City Firefighters and their families.  While working at one of New York’s most respected personal injury firms, Ed worked extensively with Special Master Ken Feinberg in the original September 11 Victims Compensation Fund of 2001.  Ed ultimately assisted in the recovery of just under $300,000,000.00 for the family members of Victims.

Special Master Ken Feinberg has stated that “he knew of few lawyers I worked with in my administration of the VCF that are more capable or qualified than Ed.”  After the original Victim Compensation Fund had closed, Ed also represented a select few clients in the Federal World Trade Center litigation where, after appealing an award he believed was unsatisfactory, he was successful in obtaining just under $1,900,000 for the widow and family of a New York City Sanitation worker who passed away due to his September 11th related illnesses. It was one of the highest awards issued in that litigation.

During this time, Ed was also involved in a number of Pro Bono efforts on behalf of those involved in rescue efforts. Ed successfully advocated to overturn several FDNY Pension Board decisions that denied disability pensions to members of New York’s Bravest who had suffered debilitating lung injuries as a result of their heroic efforts at Ground Zero.  These accomplishments were unprecedented and were consequently chronicled in the New York Daily News, The New York Law Journal and The Chief-Leader.

Ed is also proud to have served as an “expert witness” with respect to the September 11th Victim’s Compensation Fund on behalf of a Chicago Family whose original WTC award was wholly inadequate. In the end, the case settled for an amount which would have equaled one of the highest awards  issued by the original Fund.  Ed donated his entire $10,000.00 expert fee to both the Uniformed Firefighter Association and Uniformed Fire Officers Association of Greater New York. ($5,000 to the UFA Widows and Children’s Fund and the UFOA Bravest Fund).

As you have already read, Eddie is very passionate about obtaining compensation for losses that could have been averted, and looks forward to meeting with and welcomes the opportunity to represent you and your families.

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    225 Broadway,
    3rd Floor,
    New York, New York 10007

